Think of All that Made You

think of how the stars aligned

and died

and tossed tiny pieces of you

into infinity

before amassing into a ball

and another ball

cooling and cracking

settling, shifting

eating, splitting

building structures

linking them to higher systems

sensing light

learning to spawn

and swim

and crawl

and walk

and talk

and sing

and think

learning to forget it all






the old machines

of modern mind

find “the Fight” in everything

nothing dances

nothing sighs

when senseless quantifying blinds

on fragile threads

it tightly clings

around the neck of life it wrings

carving paths

from this to that

winding, growing, storing fats

within borders

thinly real

tuning out what sensors feel

can’t disconnect

can’t see below

can’t ever know what mountains know

trickly stream

melting snow

show loyalty by letting go


rotting stump

admit there’s grace in giving up


Who set me to this rhythm?

What put me on this path?

I navigate a sea of doors,

with Time’s heat on my back.


Whose wisdom do I take

when each negates the last?

When contradicting masters

fix students to the past?


My people are abandoned

their time is bought and sold.

Their joy is filed down by fear

and promises of gold.


I follow simple patterns.

I keep to roads worn old.

When shining towers shout commands

I don’t do what I’m told.


My teacher is the surging sky.

My school is Nature’s Way.

In life I study for the test.

In death I graduate.